Thursday, January 5, 2012

Dress up

We like to dress up!
This is the fire team!
Jonathan riding on Bull's Eye.

Watch out for danger!

Three princesses!
Toy Story 3

Cinderella and the Princess of Swan Lake. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas Cookies

Tia Raquel and Tio Raul are leaving to go back to Argentina. They have been in Honduras for 9 years. He is a doctor, a bone surgeon, and she is a nurse.
Before they left, they came to stay for a little while at our house. And in those few days, we decorated cookies! She made cookies in the shape of reindeer, snowmen, kids, trees, presents and Santa Claus. We painted them and made a Christmas forest. It was so yummy to eat!
Gracias, tia Raquel! We will miss both of you!
Michaela and Joshua and Jonathan

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Mission Group

Uncle Jarrod brought a group of missionaries for one week.
They came to paint the hospital and do clinics at the villages.
Emily came with them! She is our friend we met in Africa
when she was a missionary nursing student.

Even Aunt Heidi got to come!

We went to the village and taught a little Sabbath School
for the children. We even did some crafts for them.

Me at the village outreach.

This is our family at the hospital lobby.
We had Thanksgiving with the group, and during
the dinner Uncle Ben proposed to his girlfriend
Phoebe! She said YES!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Camping with the Adventurers

We went camping with the Adventurers! This is the Pathfinder Club for ages 4 to 10. Lots of my friends went with us. We went to a friend's property to camp. It was rainy but it cleared up after a while. We put up our tents and there were hammocks.

At night, we had a campfire and ate marshmallows and sang songs. My favorite song was about an elephant that was sitting on a spider web and was lonely and he called another elephant to come and they kept calling their friends to the spider web. It was a silly song! We pretended we were the elephants on the hammock, and laughed until really late.

We also played a game called Mancha Estatua, which we learned from Carla, the volunteer from Argentina.

There was also a stream which we swam in. Brrr! It was really cold!

I would love to go again sometime!


Monday, September 19, 2011

Disney World

We went to Disney World while in Orlando! Grandma went with us, but Grandpa didn't want to. He had things to do. We went to the Magic Kingdom. Look, we even took pictures in front of Cinderella's castle! It was very beautiful!

There were so many people! We went on all the rides, and even Jonathan liked it, though he could only go on a few rides. My favorite ride was Splash Mountain and the other Railroad Mountain. But I didn't really like Space Mountain, though Joshua liked it.

We stayed until really late at night and saw lots of fireworks. It was spectacular!

We have passes to go back next year when we come back to Orlando to visit Grandma and Grandpa.


Sunday, September 11, 2011


Today we went to Jacksonville.
We saw our cousins and had lots of fun!
We went swimming and swimming and swimming!
Madison is 12 years old. She played with us too.

Even Jonathan liked the water.
This is my great grandmother Jennie. She is 93 years old.
She's Daddy's Daddy's Mother.

Friday, September 9, 2011


At Grandma and Grandpa's house, Mommy took some pretty pictures of me. It has been a long time since she has taken pictures. I love them! They are so pretty and nice. They are the first pictures of me by myself this year. I like the horse clothes a lot. Here are the pictures: