Friday, December 31, 2010

The Zoo

One day, with Grandma and Grandpa, we went to the Zoo. The Zoo was kind of fun. It was a bit messy, not like the zoos in America. It had some animals, most of which live in Honduras, like owls, snakes, monkeys, deer, and even a jaguar. 

That's when Jonathan learned to say his first word other than Mama and Dada and Papa and Baba, and Mas which means more in Spanish. We were looking at the jaguar when Jonathan said “Cat.” We had never taught him that, so we thought maybe he didn't really know the word. But when we got back home, Jonathan saw our cat, and he said “Cat” (like this “Cah”) and he kept on saying it, every time he saw our cat, even when we gave him a toy cat. That's still his favorite word.

I would like to go back to the zoo again some day, even if it's not the most beautiful Zoo.

Michaela, Joshua, and Jonathan

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Grandma and Grandpa visit!

One day, Grandma and Grandpa came. They are Daddy's parents. They have never been to Honduras before. They came to stay with us for two weeks, starting December 14. When they came, we had a fun time. We had already moved into our house, so they got to stay with us. Our attic wasn't really ready yet, because the men from the hospital were still painting it and fixing the floor.

Grandma told me Little House on the Prairie stories. She knows a lot of them. And Grandpa cuddled with Joshua on the couch every night until Joshua would fall asleep. We had a very fun time! Jonathan was 8 months old, and he was already crawling. They helped to watch us when Mommy and Daddy were busy.

I love Grandma and Grandpa! I hope they will visit again some time.


Monday, December 27, 2010

The Christmas Program

We had started a choir and we were going to have a program with the choir for Christmas. Joshua and I were both in the choir. We practiced every Saturday afternoon, but at the end we practiced every Friday, Saturday and Sunday to get ready. We had learned nice songs, all in Spanish. I loved them! The program was about Jesus, we were acting the story of Jesus. Joshua and I were angels, in the angel choir. We didn't have any real animals but we had a real baby Jesus, he is the brother of one my friends, who was only 2 months old. People kept saying we should use Jonathan, but he is really big! He would start crying and try to crawl off the manger.
At the end of the program, I sang a song all by myself. It was called “Mary, did you know?” but in Spanish it's “Tu Sabias Que.”

Mommy made a background picture for the program. It was humungous! Mommy paints really good, better than any other painting I ever saw!

I think people enjoyed the program. I did too.


Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Day

After waiting for so long, Christmas finally came! Grandma and Grandpa were still here, and we were having a fun time with them. We put up a Christmas tree with lights. And I have this Barbie with wings, and since we didn't have a star for the tree, we thought we could make a dress for her to use as an Angel. It turned out very beautiful! 

I got a ton of presents! Grandma gave me a pretty Hello Kitty purse, and Grandpa gave me a new electronical toothbrush, and they gave me a lot of other things, too. I got cowgirl clothes and costumes, and a little play kitchen that goes up to my waist, all with food and stuff to play. We had macaroni and cheese and hot dogs for lunch, my very favorite food!

It was a Merry Christmas!


Thursday, December 23, 2010


There is this man that works in the hospital as a missionary, but he's not that old. His name is Jonathan Jackson, and he is a physical therapist. He's not here forever, only for one year.

One night, he came to have dinner with us. And he taught us some cool gymnatics stuff. He flipped us over and he made us stand up on his knees. And it was really fun! I hope you like the pictures!

Michaela and Joshua

Monday, December 20, 2010


Ever since we got here, we have gone to Adventurers, which is a club for children at church, like Pathfinders but for kids less than 10 years old. I am a Sunbeam for Jesus (7 year old) and Joshua is a Busy Bee (6 year old). I think it's very nice, because we do a lot of activities and games. We go every Sabbath afternoon from 3 pm to 4 pm. Sometimes we also go on Sundays for special activities.

At the end of the year, on Sabbath December 11, we got to do something special. It's called the Investiture. We said the law and the mission and We also earned a lot of awards for our uniform. It was a fun day! 


Saturday, December 18, 2010


This day I graduated from Kindergarten. That is the Honduran flag next to me. I liked Kindergarten. Now I'm going to First Grade. I'm on vacation until February. So I'm having fun now with my friends. My friends don't speak English, but I can speak Spanish now.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Abuela visits!

One day Abuela came and stayed with us for a whole month, from the end of October to the end of November. She brought me a lot of stuff and toys. I love the toys she brought me. She even brought Joshua stuff.

On Saturday nights, we went out to have ice cream in the town. My favorite flavor is chocolate. Abuela's favorite is lemon, just like Joshua.

I can't wait until Abuela visits again.

I love Abuela.

Michaela and Joshua