Sunday, October 16, 2011

Camping with the Adventurers

We went camping with the Adventurers! This is the Pathfinder Club for ages 4 to 10. Lots of my friends went with us. We went to a friend's property to camp. It was rainy but it cleared up after a while. We put up our tents and there were hammocks.

At night, we had a campfire and ate marshmallows and sang songs. My favorite song was about an elephant that was sitting on a spider web and was lonely and he called another elephant to come and they kept calling their friends to the spider web. It was a silly song! We pretended we were the elephants on the hammock, and laughed until really late.

We also played a game called Mancha Estatua, which we learned from Carla, the volunteer from Argentina.

There was also a stream which we swam in. Brrr! It was really cold!

I would love to go again sometime!


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