Monday, August 29, 2011


Mommy and Daddy took us to Yosemite National Park. It was very pretty. We went hiking, saw waterfalls, and even became Junior Rangers! I loved it.


Sunday, August 28, 2011


Jonathan loves his little cousin Karina! They are 1 month apart.

He calls her Tati. She calls him Tati too.

The whole family went to Lake Tahoe for a fun day.

We had so much fun with Joanna at the park!

Sunday, August 14, 2011


We visited tio Chris at Santa Barbara where we went
camping and had lots of fun.

All of us kids loved the waves even though the water was cold!

Friday, August 12, 2011


In California, we saw tio John and tia Jeanie.
We played with our cousins.
We had fun with Sofia, Simone, and Sarina.
We went to the Aquarium.
We saw lots of fish and other stuff.
Even Jonathan liked it.

Sarina was so cute! Simone calls her Reeny.

It was a nice place!


Monday, August 8, 2011

Anthony's Key

The next day we went to a place called Anthony's Key.
We had a lot of fun there!

Guess what! We saw dolphins there!

We played and had fun with them!
They even kissed us.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Gumbalimba Park

While in Roatan, we went to a place called Gumbalimba Park.

We got to go swimming and have lots of fun!
We went zip-lining! I went all by myself!
It was really fun!

The parrot was friendly. He stood on my head!
And then we saw monkeys!

One came on my hair and was scratching it. I loved it!
He liked Daddy too.

Jonathan was surprised to see the monkeys!

 It was a very fun day!
Michaela, Joshua and Jonathan

Monday, August 1, 2011


We are going to Roatan! We're off! I'm getting car sick on the bus, though. Mommy says we still need to go on the boat, and then we'll get there. I guess we are almost there now! Ok, we are going to get on the boat.

The place where we are staying is called West End. And the hotel is Arco Iris Hotel. Well, I guess I'm tired, I'm going to bed.

It's morning time! Let's go to the beach! The beach is right next to the hotel, so we can go any time. It is very pretty!

Hey, look! There is a little boy playing, let's go say Hi! What's your name? Blue! Is that your favorite color? Well, his Mom said that Blue is his name, but he can't speak much English, only Dutch. His Dad is from the island but his Mom is from Europe.

We had a lot of fun with Blue, and I even had my hair done in braids by Mommy!

Michaela and Joshua and Jonathan