Monday, August 1, 2011


We are going to Roatan! We're off! I'm getting car sick on the bus, though. Mommy says we still need to go on the boat, and then we'll get there. I guess we are almost there now! Ok, we are going to get on the boat.

The place where we are staying is called West End. And the hotel is Arco Iris Hotel. Well, I guess I'm tired, I'm going to bed.

It's morning time! Let's go to the beach! The beach is right next to the hotel, so we can go any time. It is very pretty!

Hey, look! There is a little boy playing, let's go say Hi! What's your name? Blue! Is that your favorite color? Well, his Mom said that Blue is his name, but he can't speak much English, only Dutch. His Dad is from the island but his Mom is from Europe.

We had a lot of fun with Blue, and I even had my hair done in braids by Mommy!

Michaela and Joshua and Jonathan

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