Thursday, December 30, 2010

Grandma and Grandpa visit!

One day, Grandma and Grandpa came. They are Daddy's parents. They have never been to Honduras before. They came to stay with us for two weeks, starting December 14. When they came, we had a fun time. We had already moved into our house, so they got to stay with us. Our attic wasn't really ready yet, because the men from the hospital were still painting it and fixing the floor.

Grandma told me Little House on the Prairie stories. She knows a lot of them. And Grandpa cuddled with Joshua on the couch every night until Joshua would fall asleep. We had a very fun time! Jonathan was 8 months old, and he was already crawling. They helped to watch us when Mommy and Daddy were busy.

I love Grandma and Grandpa! I hope they will visit again some time.


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