Thursday, March 31, 2011

Going to the Beach

Abuela came to visit us this week! It is nice to see her.
We went to the beach with her and Tio Chris, and Tio Raul and Tia Raquel (they work in the hospital and are from Argentina, too). We drove to the south of Honduras. The beach was nice, but the water was not blue, it was gray. But it felt nice and cold, and we liked the waves.

Jonathan didn't like the sand so much. He doesn't like to get dirty. It took him some time to even start to enjoy himself! He was so confused by the, what is this stuff? And then he would shake his hands to get it off. It was funny.

Both of us spent most of the day in the water with Abuela and everybody. We were told the beaches in the north of the country are a lot nicer, but this was still fun. I hope we get to visit Roatan some time.

 On the way home, we found a place that sold mangoes, the first of the season. Mommy went crazy and bought 150 mangoes to take home! We will eat mangoes for a long time. They are very yummy.

Michaela and Joshua

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Children of the World

We had a really nice program on Sabbath. It was about children from all over the world. Mommy made costumes for more than 30 kids! I was an Argentinian girl, and Joshua was an American boy. We also had flags from each country. 

Celen is a girl from Holland.

This is Joshua dressed as an American Cowboy.

I'm carrying Mommy's flag.

We sang songs in different languages, and also Love in Any Language in Spanish.

All the choir kids dressed up!

The Spanish kids were so cute!

Mommy was dressed like an Indian.

We were La China y El Gaucho Argentinos.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Our New Friend Zoe

When Tio Chris and Lan went to Roatan for two days, we had visitors. It was a family, the Mom and the Dad who was a Doctor, and they had a little girl named Zoe. She is 10 years old.  She went to school with us at Maranatha to learn some words in Spanish. We played together, and went out to eat pupusas, even though I don't really like them so much. 
Her Mommy and Daddy helped to see patients in the clinic. And they also helped the hospital by fixing some lights in the hallways. That was nice of them. 
I hope to see them again some time!


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Obstacle Course

Mommy and Daddy took us to an obstacle course. It is in Parque Nacional La Tigra, which means the girl tiger. We went with Melba and Tio Chris and Lan, and on the way we found this guy named Denny who is American and works at the Adventist school in Teguz. 
We drove for an hour to get there. We then went on this obstacle course. We had to climb over a tall board, and climb a tire thing, and climb a mountain with a rope, and walk past a tree bridge, and so many other things. The zip line was the most fun of all! I went on it with Melba, Joshua went on it with Denny, and Mommy and Daddy with Jonathan, and Tio Chris with Lan. I loved it! 


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Visiting Teguz

Since Lan and tio Chris are visiting, we went to Teguz with them. Teguz is short for Tegucigalpa. We went to a huge church called Catedral de Suyapa, and we walked to the front to see if we could open the big doors. But they were closed. And then this guard came and told us that this place on the other side of the church was not safe since people can come and take your money. So we went back to the side door and went in to see the inside of the church. 

Then we went to a big mountainside that is called Cristo Picacho. There is a big statue of Jesus, and you can see the whole city of Tegucigalpa and the mountains around it. When we were there we saw people we knew from Joshua's class, but Joshua was in the car with Mommy since he had fallen asleep. It was a fun day!



Thursday, March 17, 2011

Tio Chris comes!

One day, on Thursday, my mommy said Tio Chris was gonna come. So, mommy said "If tonight you want to come with me to pick up Tio Chris you have to take a three hour nap." So, I tried to take a nap but Joshua kept talking and I couldn't sleep. I told mommy and she sent me to sleep in the playroom.

 I didn't sleep so much though. I slept one hour but Joshua didn't sleep at all. He was the one that woke me up. By that time mommy was ready to go and I wanted to come along. I can't fall asleep in cars though. Joshua can sleep in cars, and he did because he didn't take a nap.

So we went to the airport and we picked Lan up. Then we went to buy groceries. Afterwards my mommy looked at her phone and there were a lot of missed calls. She told Lan "Who can these missed calls be from?" Lan didn't know either.

We were on our way to the airport and Tio Chris called. He said "I'm going to spend the night in Costa Rica because my flight was cancelled." We ended up coming back the next day to pick him up from the airport.



Monday, March 14, 2011

Jonathan likes to eat!

My little brother Jonathan really likes to eat! One day he ate almost a whole plate of mashed beans! He really loves to eat. Mommy always says that he almost eats as much as Joshua or me. His favorite foods are beans, watermelon, bread, and fruit smoothies. But he'll eat anything!