Thursday, March 31, 2011

Going to the Beach

Abuela came to visit us this week! It is nice to see her.
We went to the beach with her and Tio Chris, and Tio Raul and Tia Raquel (they work in the hospital and are from Argentina, too). We drove to the south of Honduras. The beach was nice, but the water was not blue, it was gray. But it felt nice and cold, and we liked the waves.

Jonathan didn't like the sand so much. He doesn't like to get dirty. It took him some time to even start to enjoy himself! He was so confused by the, what is this stuff? And then he would shake his hands to get it off. It was funny.

Both of us spent most of the day in the water with Abuela and everybody. We were told the beaches in the north of the country are a lot nicer, but this was still fun. I hope we get to visit Roatan some time.

 On the way home, we found a place that sold mangoes, the first of the season. Mommy went crazy and bought 150 mangoes to take home! We will eat mangoes for a long time. They are very yummy.

Michaela and Joshua

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