Sunday, March 20, 2011

Visiting Teguz

Since Lan and tio Chris are visiting, we went to Teguz with them. Teguz is short for Tegucigalpa. We went to a huge church called Catedral de Suyapa, and we walked to the front to see if we could open the big doors. But they were closed. And then this guard came and told us that this place on the other side of the church was not safe since people can come and take your money. So we went back to the side door and went in to see the inside of the church. 

Then we went to a big mountainside that is called Cristo Picacho. There is a big statue of Jesus, and you can see the whole city of Tegucigalpa and the mountains around it. When we were there we saw people we knew from Joshua's class, but Joshua was in the car with Mommy since he had fallen asleep. It was a fun day!



1 comment:

  1. I miss you guys so much! I can't wait to see you when you come in August and we get to go have fun at the beach. Tio Walter is going to come down and I will have Aidan so we can all play together! You guys be good and listen to your mommy and daddy.

