Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Parade

Today was a very fun day. There was a parade! It was the last parade of the year. It had all the schools in Valle de Angeles. Some of the boys played the drums. They did so well! There was even a little boy (who looked like he was 4 years old) who had a little drum. Then some of the girls were cheerleaders. And some other girls had batons. And some boys were dressed up like police with sunglasses. And Daddy said, “Look, there goes the FBI!”

Then our school came, la Escuela Adventista Maranatha. There were hundreds of children! The Maranatha sign was the prettiest one of all. Joshua wants to join the drummer boys wearing the red cape, and I want to join the baton girls wearing turquoise because it looks like so much fun to march with the baton. I hope I can join them next year.

Monday, September 27, 2010

IV Fluids

So I already told you that I vomited 5 times on Friday. And I vomited 1 time on Saturday and 2 times on Sunday. Daddy went to work on Sunday because Sunday is the Hospital's busiest day. On Sunday there was a parade that had all the Pathfinders. And I felt so sick I couldn't go see the parade. But we wanted to go see Daddy, so later in the day we went to see him at the Hospital's booth at the plaza in the middle of the town. While we were walking to the Hospital's booth, we saw the end of the parade. I had to go in Jonathan's stroller because I was so weak. Mommy couldn't carry the baby and push the stroller, so I had to hold him. I fit in the stroller because the stroller that we brought to Honduras is the big running stroller.
We got to the Hospital's booth, and saw Daddy seeing patients. They checked people's blood pressure and weight. He then took us to the Hospital for me to get IV fluids (because I had vomited 7 times and wasn't able to drink anything). We got the IV fluids for me to take to the house. Mommy gave me the IV fluids and it hurt so much! After that, well, a few hours later Mommy took it out. That hurt so much too! The next day (which is today) I felt much better. I am thankful to Jesus for making me better.


Sunday, September 26, 2010

Going to Church in Honduras

I went to church with my Daddy (remember Michaela already told you). I went there walking, all the way to church. At Sabbath School we pretended to be angels and we wore angel costumes. And they pinned wings on everybody. And we used sticks that when you put fire on them, they sparkled so much. And then after Sabbath School, we went to sit down at church. I had a Bible Pad so I could do fun activities in it. We had a Passover, kind of like a Passover. My Mommy says its called Communion. It was just like the Passover Dinner (just like the last Passover with Jesus). We ate bread that was broken in pieces, it represents Jesus life how it was broken. And we had grape juice, that represents his blood that came out of his body.

Joshua (I'm Michaela's little brother)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Moving to Honduras

I lived in Nigeria for 5 years and then my Mommy got pregnant. We didn't want the baby to get sick from malaria, so we wanted to go to a place that didn't have malaria. So we asked Dr. Hart, and he said we could maybe go to Honduras, but the government in Honduras took a long time to answer. But finally they said we could come.

We got to Honduras yesterday and we had 13 bags. So we put all the 13 bags in a little bus and came to Valle de Angeles. Valle de Angeles means Valley of Angels in Spanish. We are staying in a hotel called Maranatha because our house in Honduras isn't ready for us yet. We are going to stay here for 2 weeks and then we will move to our house.

Honduras is good. I like it. It's nice and everything. The weather is really cold. It's not so cold, like snowing, but it's like fall. It never snows over here. It's always cool. Never too hot or too cold. It's raining today.

The food...the food isn't good at the hotel, at the cafeteria. I forgot to wash my hands yesterday and I got sick and I vomited 5 times!

Today is Sabbath and I didn't go to church because I was sick. Jonathan got sick too, he has a cold. So Joshua and Daddy went to church and Mommy and Jonathan and me stayed home. They walked to church in the rain, with the umbrella. I rested all morning. I prayed to Jesus to help me get better, but I'm still sick. My tummy is still hurting. I hope I get better soon.
