Monday, September 27, 2010

IV Fluids

So I already told you that I vomited 5 times on Friday. And I vomited 1 time on Saturday and 2 times on Sunday. Daddy went to work on Sunday because Sunday is the Hospital's busiest day. On Sunday there was a parade that had all the Pathfinders. And I felt so sick I couldn't go see the parade. But we wanted to go see Daddy, so later in the day we went to see him at the Hospital's booth at the plaza in the middle of the town. While we were walking to the Hospital's booth, we saw the end of the parade. I had to go in Jonathan's stroller because I was so weak. Mommy couldn't carry the baby and push the stroller, so I had to hold him. I fit in the stroller because the stroller that we brought to Honduras is the big running stroller.
We got to the Hospital's booth, and saw Daddy seeing patients. They checked people's blood pressure and weight. He then took us to the Hospital for me to get IV fluids (because I had vomited 7 times and wasn't able to drink anything). We got the IV fluids for me to take to the house. Mommy gave me the IV fluids and it hurt so much! After that, well, a few hours later Mommy took it out. That hurt so much too! The next day (which is today) I felt much better. I am thankful to Jesus for making me better.


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