Sunday, September 26, 2010

Going to Church in Honduras

I went to church with my Daddy (remember Michaela already told you). I went there walking, all the way to church. At Sabbath School we pretended to be angels and we wore angel costumes. And they pinned wings on everybody. And we used sticks that when you put fire on them, they sparkled so much. And then after Sabbath School, we went to sit down at church. I had a Bible Pad so I could do fun activities in it. We had a Passover, kind of like a Passover. My Mommy says its called Communion. It was just like the Passover Dinner (just like the last Passover with Jesus). We ate bread that was broken in pieces, it represents Jesus life how it was broken. And we had grape juice, that represents his blood that came out of his body.

Joshua (I'm Michaela's little brother)


  1. quw hermoso y preciso nino, estas grande y se que sos muy buenito. Te amo mucho

  2. Awwww......Joshua! Sounds like you are having fun and enjoying Honduras! Now that you have your own blog will you write me emails??? Give Michaela, your mommmy and daddy big hugs for me!

  3. mi pequeno Christian, me encanto tu video conduciendo una orquesta, lo hiciste rebien casi como un profesional, etoy orgullosa de vos. te amo mucho, mucho y estoy feliz que estas aprendiendo espanol. un beso para vos y tus hermanitos. abuela.
