Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Parade

Today was a very fun day. There was a parade! It was the last parade of the year. It had all the schools in Valle de Angeles. Some of the boys played the drums. They did so well! There was even a little boy (who looked like he was 4 years old) who had a little drum. Then some of the girls were cheerleaders. And some other girls had batons. And some boys were dressed up like police with sunglasses. And Daddy said, “Look, there goes the FBI!”

Then our school came, la Escuela Adventista Maranatha. There were hundreds of children! The Maranatha sign was the prettiest one of all. Joshua wants to join the drummer boys wearing the red cape, and I want to join the baton girls wearing turquoise because it looks like so much fun to march with the baton. I hope I can join them next year.

1 comment:

  1. That looks like so much fun! I really liked the little drummer boy picture. I think you two should start practicing now for when you can join them. Joshua you start banging on everything around the house with two big wooden spoons and Michaela you use Jonathan as your practice baton and throw him around so you can be ready for your parade. :-) Love you guys, Aidan says he really misses you too.
