A few dayth ago I wath eating granola, and well, I took a hard bite of granola on my front tooth which wath already looth. Tho I tried to touch it and it wath more looth. I told Mommy and she checked it and it wath looth but not THAT looth. Zo she thaid that if it came out at thchool, I should put it in my thnack bag that hath peanutz zo I would not loothe it. But it never came out at thchool. I kept waiting and waiting for it to come out. And Thabbath pathed and then Thunday came. It wath a very fun day becauthe we had pathfinderz (thometimez we meet on Thundayz for fun activitiez). Thiz Thunday we did exerthizez and my tooth wath really looth and at one point it ztarted bleeding, but it didn't come out. It wath hanging by a thread.