Saturday, October 23, 2010

My First X-ray

I had a bad day yesterday. I was just having a very good day until I hurt my foot. This is what I was doing: All the children slid down the slide, but I was jumping on the slide and then sliding down on it. It was fun! So this time when I landed on the slide my foot twisted all the way back and I landed on it like that. It hurt so bad! I couldn't walk on it at first, and I started to cry. Two teachers helped me (one was my teacher and the other was the man who is the English teacher because he teaches English). He carried me to the Emergency Room to check my foot. I was crying the whole time. And I wanted my Mommy or my Daddy, but they couldn't come because both of them were at a surgery with Dr. Schneider. So, the doctor, the nurse and the teachers checked my foot, and they told me if it hurt here or here. And I told them "aca" which means here. And then after that they called my Mommy and I talked to her on the phone, and my Mommy sent Mrs. Schneider to come stay with me. Then I had to get my first X-ray. So they looked at it but my foot was not broken. So I thank God that it wasn't broken. So I learned that I should just go down the slide and not jump and go down.


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