Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Children's Day

Last Sabbath was Adventist Children's Day. And the kids in the church did the whole program, including a special song and the sermon. The children's story was so nice, because they gave us a bag with candy and crayons in it. The crayons are to color the picture they always give us when its children's story. It was really fun! We also had a lunch, which was chinese rice that had vegetables and onions. I hate onions! But I still had fun, because my friends Thamara and Ximena (said like Hee-may-nah) and Fernanda were there.  And they gave us cake and ice cream for dessert. Yum! Half of the cake was vanilla and half chocolate, so Joshua only ate half his cake, the vanilla part.
We took a nap so that at night we could go to the fair. It was so fun! They had rides for children and for adults. Each ride was 20 Lempiras, or about one dollar. We went on 4 rides and had fun. They had the fair because it was La Feria that comes to Valle once a year. I hope we get to go next year.

Michaela and Joshua

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